Massive BSNL Data Breach Exposes Sensitive User Info on Dark Web: Urgent Cybersecurity Concern


A recent cyber threat has revealed a major data breach concerning thousands of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) internet and landline users. The breach, facilitated by a hacker known as ‘Perell,’ has led to the compromise of sensitive information now available for sale on the dark web. The stolen data encompasses personal details, billing information, and more, posing grave risks to user security and privacy.


Key Points:


BSNL Data Breach: The Dark Web Sale
A hacker named ‘Perell’ has leaked data of BSNL internet and landline users on the dark web.


Scope of the Breach
‘Perell’ claims to have accessed sensitive information including emails, contact numbers, billing data, and more.


Serious Implications
The breach poses threats like identity theft, financial fraud, and targeted phishing attempts.


Cybersecurity Concerns
Despite BSNL’s silence, experts emphasize the urgency of addressing the breach to safeguard user privacy and security.


Call to Action
Authorities, including Cert-In, have been informed, urging prompt measures to protect affected users and mitigate risks.


Safety Measures for Customers:


Change Passwords: Immediately update passwords for BSNL accounts and associated services. Use strong, unique passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.


Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Where available, activate 2FA for additional security layers when accessing BSNL accounts. This adds an extra verification step beyond passwords.


Monitor Financial Activity: Regularly review bank statements and financial transactions for any unauthorized or suspicious activity. Report any discrepancies to the bank or relevant financial institution.


Beware of Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of unsolicited emails, messages, or calls claiming to be from BSNL or related entities. Avoid clicking on links or sharing personal information unless certain of the source’s authenticity.


Update Contact Information: Ensure that updated and accurate contact details are registered with BSNL. This facilitates immediate communication in case of any security-related concerns.


Stay Informed: Keep abreast of news and updates regarding the breach from reliable sources. Follow any guidance or instructions provided by BSNL or cybersecurity agencies.


Identity Protection Services: Consider using identity protection services that offer credit monitoring or identity theft protection, which can help detect any fraudulent activity early on.


Report Suspicious Activity: If any unusual or suspicious activity is noticed, report it immediately to BSNL’s customer support or relevant authorities, such as Cert-In (Indian Computer Emergency Response Team).

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